The Senate passed a stopgap funding bill shortly after the shutdown deadline last night, and President Biden signed it Saturday morning. Our Poll
Are you concerned about the impact of Schedule F on your career?
- No (71%, 711 Votes)
- Yes (29%, 288 Votes)
Total Voters: 999
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Daily TSP Performance
January 23, 2025
Fund | Last | % | YTD |
G Fund | $18.8089 | +0.01% | +0.29% |
F Fund | $19.4639 | -0.20% | -0.07% |
C Fund | $96.7344 | +0.53% | +4.10% |
S Fund | $95.4289 | +0.35% | +5.85% |
I Fund | $43.2972 | +0.40% | +3.34% |
L Income | $27.0808 | +0.12% | +1.27% |
L 2025 | $13.9507 | +0.13% | +1.37% |
L 2030 | $51.7264 | +0.27% | +2.54% |
L 2035 | $15.6236 | +0.30% | +2.75% |
L 2040 | $59.5006 | +0.32% | +2.97% |
L 2045 | $16.3698 | +0.34% | +3.16% |
L 2050 | $36.0652 | +0.37% | +3.35% |
L 2055 | $18.2908 | +0.46% | +4.03% |
L 2060 | $18.2884 | +0.46% | +4.03% |
L 2065 | $18.2858 | +0.46% | +4.02% |
L 2070 | $10.8359 | +0.46% | +4.02% |
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