Two Wives, One Husband: Who Gets the Survivor’s Annuity?

One can almost detect the appeals court’s exasperation with the Merit Systems Protection Board and the Office of Personnel Management as it sorts out this tangled mess involving one deceased Forest Service employee, two surviving spouses, lengthy state court litigation, and an effort by OPM to make one of the women reimburse annuity payments she received erroneously-even though she had already paid them over to the other spouse.

Are You Ready? Federal Managers and Supervisors Should Prepare for Difficult Situations and Events

Federal facilities, employees and leaders have been targets of both the deranged and those seeking to make a point in a variety of ways, some horrible, some banal and everywhere in between. When an emergency occurs in the federal workplace, are you prepared to deal with it? Here is advice that could be useful to anyone and help your colleagues and your federal career.