Will You Be One of 16,000 Added to Higher Paying GS Locality Pay Areas?
New GS locality pay areas may mean higher salaries for as many as 16,000 federal employees in about 190 jurisdictions. Where are these new locations?
New GS locality pay areas may mean higher salaries for as many as 16,000 federal employees in about 190 jurisdictions. Where are these new locations?
A 2023 locality pay report recommends changes that would increase pay for about 16,000 federal employees if adopted.
There will be changes to a couple of 2023 GS locality pay areas.
OPM is proposing to add Carroll County, IL and Brooks County, TX into locality pay areas.
2022 GS locality pay areas give some federal employees an option to greatly increase their disposable income.
Which locality pay areas received the highest—and lowest—pay raise in 2022? Here is the list.
The President’s Pay Agent has issued its annual report on locality pay and adds one county in Illinois into the locality pay system.
If an employee is engaging in a work situation using telework, and is outside the locality pay area for the office, will the employee receive locality pay?
Another legislative effort is being made to increase locality pay for some federal employees.
Can a federal employee increase purchasing power by moving to a remote area and staying assigned to a more generous locality pay area?