Bribery, Politics and Federal Pension Benefits
When Congress passes legislation to stop the corruption, or at least stop the perception of corruption, will the pensions of a small number of federal employees be affected?
When Congress passes legislation to stop the corruption, or at least stop the perception of corruption, will the pensions of a small number of federal employees be affected?
An agency proposed to fire an employee and then added another charge when he made a threatening comment. The court sends the case back to the MSPB for further review to see if the removal is justified even if one charge is thrown out.
The S and I funds are hitting home runs again in January. Should you switch to these funds or stay put?
How well can you expect to live after your retirement from government service? Here are a couple of illustrations.
Here is a “clout index” of several federal unions.
Are the ethics rules governing Congress effective? How about the rules for the executive branch? Readers speak out on the issue.
Is the American public able to fly safely? Is the air traffic system out of control? Labor negotiations seem to be bringing out the worst aspects and confirming our fear of flying.
Do you have realistic plans for your retirement? Think about your lifestyle preferences and check out an area before pulling up stakes and moving. You may save yourself a lot of money and disappointment.
Are Congressional ethics rules effective? Are the ethics rules effective for the federal workforce?
Do you use your government computer to search out “inappropriate material?” If so, your colleagues in the Justice Department would like to find out who you are.