Federal Pay Raise Issues May Be Political, But They Are Not Partisan
Federal Pay Raise Issues May Be Political, But They Are Not Partisan
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Federal Pay Raise Issues May Be Political, But They Are Not Partisan
The 3.5 percent raise will almost certainly be approved.
Will there be a 3rd Bush term?
Federal employees are enjoying more choices, more options and more control regarding their Health Savings Accounts after the Office of Personnel Management announced the posting of a new HSA worksheet to its HSA website.
Federal Agencies are becoming more fiscally responsible to taxpayers, according to the Office of Management and Budget.
Federal employees may get a 2.5% pay increase in 2005 unless Congress intervenes
TSP stock funds are all up for November.
Actions necessary to implement the 2005 pay raise are moving forward.
A certifying officer improperly certified payment for duplicate invoices. She is stuck for the full amount of the mistake totaling more than $5000.
A federal employee fired for downloading government pornography on to his computer at work is fired and the removal is upheld by the Federal Circuit.