Creating a New Civil Service System Isn’t Easy But Changes May Be Coming
The administration and key players in the House and Senate want to change the federal government’s HR system. It may happen this time.
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The administration and key players in the House and Senate want to change the federal government’s HR system. It may happen this time.
The stock market has not been performing well for investors. For the first three weeks of January, the C fund has followed this trend as the S&P 500 Index is down about 4% for the month.
Members of the Public Company Oversight Accounting Board voted salaries for themselves of $452,000 and up. Congress may get involved in rollling them back
Pay for performance plan proposed for federal employees. It isn’t likely to survive when it comes up against the Washington establishment that resists controversial change.
An agency official was tripped up by an allegation of violation of Federal ethics rules and regulations.
The Transportation Security Administration awards two new contracts to run the HR function for the agency–one to a California state agency and one to a New York firm.
the President’s management agenda calls for making government services more available and saving money by using an “e-government” strategy.
Calls for a new military draft are designed to score political points using race and class arguments rather than creating an effective fighting force
Stocks down, bonds up for December. F fund has best return for TSP investors
Large numbers of feds are eligible to retire. DHS is no exception