“Smokers Should Pay More”
Federal employees who smoke should pay more in health insurance premiums than non-smokers according to our latest poll.
Surveys and their results conducted with FedSmith.com readers
Federal employees who smoke should pay more in health insurance premiums than non-smokers according to our latest poll.
Federal employees overwhelmingly disagree with using the TSP’s G fund to help avoid a debt ceiling problem.
Why do people work for the federal government? There are many reasons given by readers and some that don’t think the federal government is a very good employer.
Are the ethics rules governing Congress effective? How about the rules for the executive branch? Readers speak out on the issue.
A small majority of readers think Judge Samuel Alito should be confirmed and most think the entire Senate should vote on the nomination.
Our readers have differing views about the celebration of Christmas and the role of religion in American life. But one agency says “Merry Christmas” is a “content violation.”
Mixing religious beliefs with government creates controversy–at least in recent years. How do readers feel about issues relating to the celebration of Christmas? Here is a summary of responses to issues on the topic of “Christmas and the Culture War.”
Will the controvery surrounding the 2006 pay raise for active federal employees have an impact on CFC donations this year? Here are the results of a recent survey.
Action by Congress to forego their pay raise in 2006 should not have an impact on the raise for federal employees according to the vast majority of survey respondents.
The veterans’ preference program stirs strong emotions in readers. It mixes patriotism and gratitude in some and feelings of discrimination against others who have not served in the military.