Top 5 Retirement Questions Answered
These are common questions federal employees are likely to have as they plan for retirement.
Federal employee retirement news: news about retirement-related topics as it pertains to employees of the federal government. Topics include FERS, CSRS, the latest TSP performance, annual COLA updates, and more.
These are common questions federal employees are likely to have as they plan for retirement.
The OPM retirement backlog has been reduced to levels not seen since 2016 at the end of November.
When you open an IRA during this calendar year, you have until the income tax filing deadline to make an IRA contribution.
Money for retirement savings is saved or invested in different kinds of accounts. Taxes will impact these accounts in different ways.
Which investment makes more sense for federal employees while still working: the TSP or an IRA?
If your household income has changed, you may need to file a form to notify Medicare so your premiums adjust accordingly. This information can help.
A little financial planning now can go a long way for federal employees in the upcoming year.
Federal employees under FERS have various survivor benefits available to provide for the loved ones they leave behind.
These are the amounts you can expect to pay for Medicare Part B in 2025.
An in-plan Roth conversion option is coming to the TSP. Also, one TSP Fund up more than 25% in 2024.