About Us

FedSmith.com is dedicated to delivering high-quality, up-to-date articles written by experts who understand the unique needs and challenges faced by current and former federal employees.

Our Mission: Empowering the Federal Workforce

Our primary goal is to empower the federal workforce through reliable information and expert insights. Our target audience includes current and former federal employees seeking valuable guidance on various aspects of their professional and personal lives.

Author Expertise: Diverse Perspectives for Comprehensive Insights

Many of the authors who write for FedSmith are former federal employees with firsthand experience navigating the intricacies of government service. Additionally, we collaborate with financial planners who specialize in working with federal employees. Each author brings a wealth of knowledge and a commitment to supporting the federal workforce through informative articles.

The free content we provide to the federal community would not be possible without the contributions of our authors. We encourage you to read the bios of the authors and their articles and consider sending them a thank you for their articles that help to make this site possible.

The information provided in the articles by our authors represents a wealth of expertise they share as a service to our community. If you have expertise that relates to the federal workforce and are interested in sharing articles with FedSmith, visit our prospective authors page to learn more or submit articles to be considered for posting.

The views expressed by the authors in their articles are their own and do not represent those of FedSmith.

Key Focus Areas: In-Depth Coverage for Federal Employees

Our articles delve into crucial topics relevant to federal employees, including:

  • Pay and Benefits: Unraveling the complexities of federal compensation to help you make informed decisions.
  • Retirement Planning: Expert advice on saving, investing, and planning for a secure retirement, with a focus on the Thrift Savings Plan (TSP).
  • Health Benefits: Navigating the nuances of the Federal Employees Health Benefits (FEHB) program to ensure the well-being of you and your family.
  • Legislation Impact: Keeping you informed about the latest legislative developments in Congress that directly impact the federal workforce.

Why Choose FedSmith?

At FedSmith.com, we take pride in our commitment to excellence. Our content is meticulously curated to ensure accuracy, reliability, and relevance. By combining diverse perspectives, real-world experience, and a dedication to serving our audience, we aim to be your go-to resource for all matters concerning the federal government. Join us in navigating the intricate landscape of federal service.

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FedSmith also operates the TSPDataCenter.com website which provides our readers current and historical daily, monthly, and annual rate data for the Thrift Savings Plan.


  • Ian Smith had successful careers with two government contracting companies before helping launch FedSmith.com.
  • Ralph Smith has extensive professional federal experience that he applies by writing and editing content for FedSmith.com.
  • Susan McGuire Smith had a 25-year career with the government in contracts, ethics, and personnel law.