Creating a Federal Resume in the Post-KSA Era
What’s changed and what hasn’t with regard to writing your federal resume now that KSA’s are (mostly) gone?
What’s changed and what hasn’t with regard to writing your federal resume now that KSA’s are (mostly) gone?
These are some available discounts to government workers from various major companies.
Government employees are eligible for discounts from some major companies. These are a few examples.
The Federal Government relocation program is yet another wonderful incentive offered to many of those who work for the Federal Government.
It’s up to federal employees to take full advantage of the retirement benefits offered to them. The best way to ensure your golden years are indeed golden is to plan right now.
Here are some guidelines to follow if you are allowed to take your government work home with you.
Here are a few benefits of working for the federal government that you may not know about and may want to take advantage of once you see the list of possibilities.
Many jobseekers hesitate to apply for federal jobs because they are afraid they won’t qualify, but the truth may surprise you.
Maximizing your Federal employee benefits starts with you making the effort to find out first what benefits you may be eligible to receive.
On May 11, 2010, President Obama signed a memorandum theoretically eliminating KSAs from the initial application and shortening the federal hiring process. Here’s what to expect now if you are applying for a federal job.