Jason Kay

Author: Jason Kay

Jason Kay is a professional resume writer and regular contributor to KSADoctor.com, a professional federal resume service and repository of sample KSA statements.

Writing an Effective SES Resume

Writing your Senior Executive Service resume will probably be the trickiest one you have ever written. Here are practical tips that may help you in securing one of the most elite and competitive jobs in the country.

Writing Effective ECQ Statements

If you want to get into the Senior Executive Service, you will need the right combination of experience, confidence, and writing skill. This article will explain how to make your Executive Core Qualifications (ECQ) statements will stand out.

Successfully Writing a Federal Resume

Applying for a vacancy in the federal government is considerably different than in a private company. If you are applying for jobs in the federal government and the private sector, a successful applicant must know the difference. A federal resume is a resume formatted to meet the needs of federal job openings. When applying for a federal job, more information is required. A “federal resume” is formatted to highlight this specialized information.

Seven Secrets for Writing Successful KSAs

Knowing how to respond to a federal job vacancy can be critical to getting your application seriously considered. Federal agencies use KSA’s and knowing what they are and how to respond will give you a better chance of getting a new job or promotion.