RSC Budget Would Require All Federal Employees to Pay More Towards Retirement
The House Republican Study Committee has released its 2014 budget blueprint which includes a number of proposed changes that would impact the federal workforce.
The House Republican Study Committee has released its 2014 budget blueprint which includes a number of proposed changes that would impact the federal workforce.
House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan (R-WI) has released the Committee’s 2014 budget blueprint for the federal government. As in past House budget proposals, there are some proposed measures that would affect the federal workforce.
The House passed the Require a Plan Act this morning which aims to require the president to submit a balanced budget.
The Republican Study Committee has released a budget blueprint for FY 2013 which would mandate increased pension contributions for all federal workers rather than just new hires.
House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan (R-WI) is releasing a budget blueprint for the federal government next Tuesday, March 20, and it is expected to include proposed cuts to the federal workforce.
No doubt, many in the federal workforce were concerned about proposed amendments to the fiscal year 2011 budget which would have frozen funding for within-grade step increases and for promotions for federal employees. The budget has now passed the House without including these amendments.
Professional politicians are experts at trying to keep everyone happy–especially when it comes to spending money. Federal employee pay and benefits are a hot topic now and will continue to be through the 2012 election. How did the President’s proposed budget deal with the recommendations by the President’s own deficit commission in cutting federal pay and benefits? Here is a quick summary.
2012 is shaping up to be an interesting year for many readers as federal employee benefits and wages are likely to again have front page publicity as the federal budget is debated in the midst of massive federal deficits and federal spending.
The National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform has issued its report on ways to reduce the deficit and federal spending. Here are some of the key points in the report that are likely to be of most interest to readers.
Defense Department releases 2005 BRAC recommendation that calls for shutting down 33 of 318 major military bases across the country.