Death and the “Self-Only” Annuity
A federal employee elected a self-only annuity but died before the effective date of his retirement.
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A federal employee elected a self-only annuity but died before the effective date of his retirement.
Some readers expressed disbelief at the average federal salary figures in a recent article. Here is more information on federal salaries.
Gas prices are skyrocketing. What about mileage reimbursement for those driving their cars on government business?
The IRS is giving tax breaks to those devastated by Hurricane Katrina: extra time to file tax documents.
A former federal employee decided to see what his agency was saying about him to potential employers and if it was violating its settlement agreement.
Be careful what you wish for because you may get it. An employee that received more pay as a result of a voluntary transfer filed an appeal arguing that he received a “constructive demotion.”
Can a federal contractor be an applicant for federal employment? Can a federal contractor have the MSPB review his termination just as it would for a federal employee? Now we know the answer.
Everyone makes mistakes. When the federal government makes a mistake, it can be a big one. Here is one example. The test of the organization will be how it deals with the adversity it has brought upon itself.
Does the recent decision of the DC Circuit Court lead to the dramatic conclusions offered by some observers? The decision does not but the process of introducing change to the federal bureaucracy follows a predictable pattern and requires pushing the right buttons for the players in the process who can make a difference.
Real estate is a hot topic today for investors. Don’t look for these funds to be available to TSP investors anytime soon though.