Is the TSP’s F Fund a “Risky Investment”?
Several readers have asked about the risks of investing in bonds. Our advice: Investing in a bond fund is necessary to have a diversified investment portfolio.
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Several readers have asked about the risks of investing in bonds. Our advice: Investing in a bond fund is necessary to have a diversified investment portfolio.
The TSP’s C Fund had a positive return in October of more than 8%–the best return since the height of the bull market way back in 2000.
With the C Fund down more than 20% in the past twelve months, fund investors are looking for a respite. They may get one in October if the stock trend continues for the last several days of October.
There is a positive figure for the September budget but it is still down about $159 billion for the fiscal year
Unions can be excluded from representing employees at TSA. Authority of the President to exclude employees from union representation is the crux of the dispute over the Homeland Security Dept. Will President exercise that authority at TSA?
The Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board says that problems with the new system prevent it from implementing a new record keeping system
C Fund Loses about 11% in September
The S&P Index results are now available for the past month and the past quarter. The C Fund is based on this index so readers can get a close idea of how their fund is doing now.
FEHB premiums continue to go up each year. The impact on retirees is significant and legislation is pending that may provide some relief. The long-term challenge to OPM will be to control costs and balance benefits.
The Land Between the Lakes National Recreation Area has reintroduced bison, elk and the prairie to this unique area.