Full Annuity Payments – How Fast?
FedSmith.com recently polled our users to see how long it took recent retirees to receive their full annuity payments. Here are the results.
Federal employee retirement news: news about retirement-related topics as it pertains to employees of the federal government. Topics include FERS, CSRS, the latest TSP performance, annual COLA updates, and more.
FedSmith.com recently polled our users to see how long it took recent retirees to receive their full annuity payments. Here are the results.
The author says that the debate over funding Social Security is focused on the wrong problem and that the real problem is that the government has spent all of the trust fund holdings, starving the program of all its surplus monies.
A financial planner said one of his new clients was a federal employee. It became clear he was not familiar with important benefits his client had as a federal employee.
OPM has released its latest monthly report showing the status of how the agency is progressing with processing retirement applications.
How useful is a TSP calculator? One writer says it may be “dangerous.” This writer disagrees and says they may be useful for planning purposes.
Are you thinking about leaving federal service before you are eligible for an immediate FERS retirement? You need to know the difference between a postponed and deferred retirement.
How much of an increase will federal retirees get in their retirement annuity in January 2013? Probably not much.
The author says that the Social Security trust fund does not contain any marketable bonds and that all surplus revenue has been spent.
A reader who is planning to retire on 1/3/2013 asked if he would have to be off the employment rolls by 12/31/12 to receive the 2012 COLA. Here is the answer.
The author suggests a few ways to earn money during your retirement years to help make ends meet.