Future Retirement: Federal Workers In Good Shape
How much money is in your TSP account? Here are some averages for the federal workforce and private sector.
Federal employee retirement news: news about retirement-related topics as it pertains to employees of the federal government. Topics include FERS, CSRS, the latest TSP performance, annual COLA updates, and more.
How much money is in your TSP account? Here are some averages for the federal workforce and private sector.
Good news for investors: All of the TSP funds had a positive return again in September but investors were cashing out of stock funds and moving into the safety of bonds at the end of the last reporting period.
The author offers considerations to keep in mind when planning for retirement in the face of these current challenges.
As a federal employee, you have a number of great benefits. There is one that is often taken for granted but the author says it is actually your greatest benefit as a federal employee.
The author says that evaluating retirement systems to determine which one is “better” is difficult, but he says that the annuity is the key element.
The author says that the Social Security Trust fund is empty and has been for the past 30 years, but the public has been deliberately mislead to believe that the funds are still in place.
If your career goals include leadership or management in the public service or government arena, then it’s worth considering the PMF.
The author points out that when planning for retirement, you must factor risk into potential returns in order to gain a full understanding when planning your investment portfolio.
OPM plans to segregate “healthy” retirement cases from those that need more information to speed up retirement processing.
According to recent data from the EBRI’s annual Retirement Confidence Survey, many workers do not have the confidence that they will have enough money to retire. When you consider the average savings rate being reported, it’s easy to see why.