Retirement Claims Inventory Rises in October

OPM received more retirement claims in October than it did in September which pushed the backlog of outstanding claims higher.

The Office of Personnel Management received almost twice as many retirement claims in October as it did in September according to the latest retirement processing status report published by the agency.

10,155 new claims were received in October, far more than the 6,350 received the month before. Of those, 8,785 were processed, pushing the outstanding backlog of claims up to 14,137, almost 11% higher than in the previous month. OPM also said that 83.2% of claims were processed in 60 days or less.

OPM is now over its projected inventory of retirement claims. According to the latest report, it had projected a backlog of 12,442 claims in October versus the 14,137 it ultimately wound up having. However, OPM did process slightly more claims than it had projected; 8,785 were processed in October and it had projected processing only 8,500.

The latest figures are included below.

Month Projected Claims Received Projected Claims Processed Projected Inventory Claims Received Claims Processed Inventory % Processed in 60 days or less
Oct-13 8,400 11,500 19,142 7,484 11,027 14,176
Nov-13 8,400 11,500 16,042 5,672 5,714 14,134
Dec-13 8,400 11,500 12,942 4,952 6,449 12,637
Jan-14 19,000 8,700 23,242 17,383 8,724 21,296
Feb-14 9,800 9,400 23,642 12,025 9,767 23,554
Mar-14 6,400 10,400 19,642 6,831 11,812 18,573
Apr-14 6,500 9,300 16,842 8,047 10,002 16,618
May-14 6,800 9,000 14,642 8,431 10,498 14,551 76.6%
Jun-14 8,000 8,100 14,542 6,627 8,787 12,391 77.3%
Jul-14 8,000 8,100 14,442 9,101 7,872 13,620 77.9%
Aug-14 7,400 8,000 13,842 6,795 7,318 13,097 78.5%
Sep-14 7,300 8,000 13,142 6,350 6,680 12,767 78.8%
Oct-14 7,800 8,500 12,442 10,155 8,785 14,137 83.2%
Nov-14 7,600 7,800 12,242 not available not available not available not available
Dec-14 5,600 6,500 11,342 not available not available not available not available
Jan-15 19,000 8,700 21,642 not available not available not available not available
Feb-15 9,700 9,800 21,542 not available not available not available not available
Mar-15 6,400 11,000 16,942 not available not available not available not available
Apr-15 6,700 9,600 14,042 not available not available not available not available
May-15 7,100 9,100 12,042 not available not available not available not available
Jun-15 7,500 8,000 11,542 not available not available not available not available
Jul-15 8,000 8,100 11,442 not available not available not available not available
Aug-15 7,400 7,600 11,242 not available not available not available not available
Sep-15 7,300 7,500 11,042 not available not available not available not available

About the Author

Ian Smith is one of the co-founders of He has over 20 years of combined experience in media and government services, having worked at two government contracting firms and an online news and web development company prior to his current role at FedSmith.