Sensitivity, Retirement and New Year’s Resolutions
Everyone lives with an accumulation of choices we have made over time. Some readers will retire early; others will never be able to retire.
Federal employee retirement news: news about retirement-related topics as it pertains to employees of the federal government. Topics include FERS, CSRS, the latest TSP performance, annual COLA updates, and more.
Everyone lives with an accumulation of choices we have made over time. Some readers will retire early; others will never be able to retire.
The federal retirement program is probably the safest and most secure retirement program available–even if the recipient has committed a serious crime.
A former VA employee challenges the reduction in his annuity payment.
Your federal annuity is valuable. Here is the result of a court decision in which a divorced spouse of a deceased federal employee was trying to receive an annuity.
Does the offset impact FERS employees or just those in the Civil Service Retirement System?
Many federal retirees can look forward to a larger than expected increase in their annuity check in January 2006.
Federal employee pay is a political decision. Natural disasters, war, economics and politics all play a role. This may be a good year for federal retiree pay but not so good for most active feds.
A decision by the Federal Circuit upholds the MSPB and denies an annuity to the widow of a federal employee who did not have a survivor annuity.
An employee who won over $73,000 in back pay and reinstatement to his job, was advised by OPM he had to repay the annuity amount he had already received. The employee appealed and went to court to try and keep the extra money.
Proposing cuts in federal retirement benefits may be politically popular but the latest proposal is not likely to fly