Retirement Annuities: A Time Limit is Really A Time Limit
A decision by the Federal Circuit upholds the MSPB and denies an annuity to the widow of a federal employee who did not have a survivor annuity.
Federal employee retirement news: news about retirement-related topics as it pertains to employees of the federal government. Topics include FERS, CSRS, the latest TSP performance, annual COLA updates, and more.
A decision by the Federal Circuit upholds the MSPB and denies an annuity to the widow of a federal employee who did not have a survivor annuity.
An employee who won over $73,000 in back pay and reinstatement to his job, was advised by OPM he had to repay the annuity amount he had already received. The employee appealed and went to court to try and keep the extra money.
Proposing cuts in federal retirement benefits may be politically popular but the latest proposal is not likely to fly
Does time spent in the military reserve count toward your CSRS retirement calculations? A court has just answered the question.
Common law marriages may be easy to establish in some jurisdictions but not as easy to end. When does the marriage end and what what implications does this have on your federal benefits?
65 used to be the start of old age. Not now, many Americans are at their peak at that age. This fact and other demograhic trends should impact your retirement planning.
What are the considerations in deciding when to retire? Should you wait until the end of the year? Which year? Which month? Here is an explanation of some major factors to consider in your decision.
Employees at the Office of Personnel Management who voluntarily participate in a pilot program will now be able to compute their personal civil service retirement and Thrift Savings Plan benefits weeks, months or even years down the road.
When do time limits for filing for disability retirement begin to run? Can an employee obtain a disability retirement when he has not worked for the government for more than 20 years? A recent court decision addresses the timeliness and notification requirements of an unusual case.
Litigation over survivor annuities can impact more than one person–here is one case which will lead to family tension.