Don’t Make This Mistake During FEHB Open Season
FEHB premiums are rising sharply as seen in the BCBS historical costs. Failing to analyze and compare plans during Open Season could be a big mistake.
FEHB premiums are rising sharply as seen in the BCBS historical costs. Failing to analyze and compare plans during Open Season could be a big mistake.
Annual leave is a valuable benefit for federal employees, so it is important they know how to use it to their advantage.
Sick leave is an important benefit federal employees have that can provide a pension boost in retirement.
Do you know your lucky numbers for retirement? The author lists six important ones for federal employees in their retirement planning.
How well do you understand your federal employee benefits, and how does this information tie into the recently proposed cuts?
Federal employees under FLTCIP are facing a big hike in long-term care premiums. The author suggests they stay calm and explore other options.
The author recounts an interview she had with Bureau of Land Management employee Andy Senti to honor his life and career accomplishments. Senti recently passed away after completing a 60+ year career with the agency.
The author offers five suggestions for things federal employees can do while furloughed.
Both parties have recently proposed a “chained CPI” to calculate future changes to the COLA for calculating the cost of retirement increases. How much of an impact would this have on your future retirement?
Some incorrect information about the I Fund in the article “Wizard of Odds” raised a number of questions when it was published earlier this week. The author offers the correct information and some clarification.