FedSmith.com is a large and growing community centered around the federal workforce. One of the ways we foster this sense of community is through the use of comments on our articles.
While we appreciate all comments, they must adhere to our policy, otherwise they are subject to removal. Continuous abuse or disregard for this policy may result in individuals being banned from posting comments. Posting comments on FedSmith constitutes your acceptance of this policy. If you do not agree with our comment policy, your choice is not to participate in the comments.
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Comment Policy Details
Keep Discussions Civil
Many topics that relate to the federal workforce often center around politics, a subject that seems to bring out the worst in people. Debate and disagreement with an article author or other commenters are fine, but sophomoric, ad hominem attacks are not. Profanity, personal attacks, name-calling, slurs, etc. are not acceptable. Remember there is a human being on the other side of the screen, so don’t write things you wouldn’t say to somebody in person. To put it succinctly: Be polite.
Add Value
Comments which add no value to the discussion, are largely off topic or political rants, or otherwise kill the conversation are subject to being edited or removed.
Ask and Answer Questions
This is a community of federal employees, retirees, current and former military, federal contractors and anyone with an interest in news impacting the federal workforce. You are welcome and encouraged to ask and answer questions in the comments that are relevant to the topic being discussed. Other FedSmith readers may have insights that can help you, and that’s what the community is all about.
No Spam
You may be enthusiastic about your dating profile, your work at home job, or your company’s product, but our community isn’t interested in hearing your sales pitch. Comments deemed to be spam or that appear to be written primarily to post a link or advertise are not permitted.
Don’t Violate Copyrights
Citing other peoples’ works in a comment when making your case is fine, but reposting a copyrighted work in its entirety is not. People work hard to produce their content; don’t steal it.
Use of Photos/Avatars
Any photos, avatars or videos that you post with comments should be in good taste and follow the same general guidelines for written comments.
Word Filters
Some comments will automatically be held for moderation if they contain certain flagged words (i.e. profanity or known spam words). If your comment is held for moderation or does not appear right away, this is why; please do not repost it numerous times in an effort to make it appear faster (it won’t).
Deleting Comments
Sometimes you will see a number of deleted comments within a comment thread. These can appear for two reasons: FedSmith moderators have removed a comment for policy reasons or the original author of the comment has deleted it. Disqus users have the ability to delete their own comments and sometimes do.
Closing Comment Threads
Comment threads on individual articles are automatically closed after 31 days. In some cases, we may decide to close the comments on an article before this if the majority of comments being posted are in violation of this policy, i.e. comments are off topic or making personal attacks.
Blocking Users
Disqus offers the ability for individual users to block other users whose comments they do not wish to see. The person you block will not receive a notification that you have blocked him or her, and it will not delete that person’s account from the whole system/site. It only means you will not see the person’s comments.
All Rights Reserved
FedSmith reserves the right, but not the obligation, to monitor, edit or remove any comments which it deems in its sole discretion to be in violation of this policy without explanation. Any users that are found to be in violation are subject to being permanently banned from posting comments.
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