Sierra Madre, CA, Letter Carrier Frank Rubio was recently praised by a journalist who lives on his route. The journalist writes for a local newspaper called Mountain View News.
The publicity resulted from Rubio noticing that his customer’s mail wasn’t being picked up. “Normally she picks her up mail every day, so when I saw a couple days worth of mail in her box, I decided to knock,” Rubio said.
When he knocked, he found out that his customer, Pat Birdsall, was recovering from surgery and could not retrieve her mail. “It was a good feeling to know that someone had noticed, said Birdsall. “It was such a positive gesture for all seniors in our community. Frank always has a wave and smile ready for everyone. He truly made my day.”
After Birdsall recovered, she wrote about Rubio in the local paper. Rubio who is 19-year postal veteran said he always looks out for all of his customers. “What I love most about my job is my interaction with people,” he said. “I can’t think of a better job to have, and having the added bonus of helping people is one of my joys.”