I love the fresh start of a New Year, the clean slate, the feeling of endless opportunity…
It’s the time of year when you plan your accomplishments, and set your hopes high for achieving each one.
And you set goals because you know what you want, right?
Well let me ask you this…What are you willing to do to actually GET it?
This is where most people fall short. They don’t know what they’re WILLING to do to get what they want, and they end up settling for less.
Does that sound familiar? If so, it’s because most people are missing two very most important qualities:
Self-Discipline and Determination.
You can spend years learning scores of proven success principles. Thoughts, plans, and actions that enable you to achieve your goals… to finally get healthier… or make a mark in your career that leads to getting paid more and promoted faster… or become a better parent, spouse, and friend.
But here’s the catch: Unless you have this single powerful quality…
NONE of them will work.
It’s the foundation of your character, your achievements, and your happiness. Giving you an unshakable confidence, a rock-solid character, and a never-give-up spirit to learn, grow, and fulfill your potential.
What is this indispensable quality that fuels your most fulfilling future? It’s called Self-Discipline.
Self-Discipline is the ability to delay instant gratification. It is the ability to work hard now so you reap the benefits later.