Will Social Security be Gone by the Time I Retire?
A question younger Americans often ask is, “Will Social Security be there when I retire?” The author explores this scenario and what threats the program faces.
A question younger Americans often ask is, “Will Social Security be there when I retire?” The author explores this scenario and what threats the program faces.
New legislation promises to keep Social Security solvent for the rest of the century, but the author says the devil is in the details of the bill.
Would eliminating the cap on Social Security be a good thing? The author says it is not a good idea.
We recently asked our readers if they would support higher taxes to extend full Social Security benefits. Here is what you told us.
The author says the typical worker faces the prospect of losing money on Social Security. Will higher taxes solve this problem?
Social Security is often made into a political issue, but the author says that it will take bipartisan action to solve problems facing the program.
The author says that a combination of poor advice and out-dated rules expose seniors to consequences that last a life time.
Millennials need to stop asking if they will collect Social Security and start asking how will they manage the cost of seniors as their benefits are reduced.
The author says that the 3rd-Rail of Politics is just an anachronism that politicians use to avoid talking about Social Security.
The author says that the path to fixing Social Security ultimately lies in the hands of the voters.