What The Numbers In Social Security Mean To The Voter
The latest Social Security Trustees’ report led to mixed claims about the financial state of the program. The author breaks down the important points.
The latest Social Security Trustees’ report led to mixed claims about the financial state of the program. The author breaks down the important points.
The tax reform bill includes a technical change with the potential to cut into Social Security payments for future seniors.
Will Social Security be there for Millenials in retirement? The author isn’t very optimistic about the possibility.
The author says a little used feature of Social Security says a lot about the program’s coming crisis. It may cost future retirees nearly 1/2 trillion in benefits.
How much money is Social Security costing you in terms of lost savings? The author offers an analysis.
Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) shared his ideas on Social Security in a recent interview. The author says they would ultimately turn it into a welfare program.
A new CBO report highlights improvements to the financial health of Social Security but remains pessimistic about its future overall.
The author says that what he describes as double taxation of Social Security benefits is unfair, but Congress has little option to address the situation.
The author says that Social Security is gradually heading towards a financial crisis, and the worst part about it is there seems to be no plan to deal with it.
The 2017 Trustees report shows some significant improvements for Social Security, and yet the costs to fix the program are exploding higher.