The Good, Bad and Ugly Of Personnel Reform
Observations on proposed personnel reforms.
Observations on proposed personnel reforms.
The new personnel system for the Department of Defense will look much different and result in much less participation by unions in day-to-day affairs of the agency
GAO backs principles underlying new DHS personnel system, but said implementation is the key.
FAA Union Files Class Action Age Discrimination Suit Against Agency
Several airport screeners argue they were short-changed by the government when their salary did not match the promise given when they were first employed. The court concludes they have a strong moral argument but do not have a legal one.
Pay parity has become a mantra for some Congressional representatives and it has worked on the floor of Congress. The political environment is different this year and the results may not be the same.
Pay for performance in the federal government is likely to have problems
The General Services Administration has increased reimbursement rates for federal employees who use privately owned vehicles while on official travel.
What is the best day to retire in 2005? It depends on several factors. This article describes the factors readers need to consider before deciding.
Dan Blair became acting director of OPM effective Feb. 1, 2005.