The official results of the TSP funds are out today.
Bond fund investors (the F fund) are still in the black with a positive return of 1.87% for the month. G fund investors are also slightly ahead with a return for the month of May of 0.34%. For the past twelve months, the F fund is up 11.72% and for the G fund, the rate for the past twelve months is 4.43%.
The C fund is up 5.26% for the month but is still down 7.97% for the past twelve months. The S fund is up 9.42% for the month and down 4.74% for the past twelve months. The I fund is also up considerably for the month finishing up 6.07% and is down 12.25% for the past twelve months.
Obviously the stock market has turned around in the past several months as the C fund has been headed up for the past three months, the S fund has been up for the past three months and the I fund up for two.
Moreover, the market is off to a good start for the month of June.
So, in short, investors who have been “dollar averaging” by continuing to put some of their investment funds into the stock market are now starting to get a pay-off for their patience. Those who may have pulled money out of the TSP stock funds in the past year may be wondering if that was a good idea as the stock funds are leading other investments, at least in the short term.
For more information on the TSP and your retirement investments, click on the links to the left of this article.