Q: Will I be paid night pay if I have annual leave for the whole pay period (80 hours); night tour is my regular shift?
A: Since you did not indicate which pay system covered your job I will answer this question for both GS positions and FWS jobs…
If you are a GS employee or equivalent, then the regulations at 5 C.F.R. § 550.122(b) authorize payment of night differential for regularly scheduled night work only when the total amount of paid leave during a pay period is less than 8 hours. So a GS employee who is on paid leave for the whole pay period is not eligible for night pay during that pay period.
In contrast, if you are a Federal Wage System (FWS) employee assigned to a WG, WL or WS job and you are regularly assigned to a night shift, then under the regulations at 5 C.F.R. § 532.505(e) your night differential continues during a period of paid leave. So an FWS employee who is on leave for a full pay period will continue to receive night pay during that pay period.