Important Changes to Some TSP Forms

Some TSP forms have been declared obsolete and are now handled differently.

The Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board (FRTIB) has created new forms and online tools and declared prior versions of some old forms obsolete. TSP Bulletin 23-2 Attention: Obsolete Forms was published on February 2, 2023.

This announcement should serve as a reminder to review any existing forms such as your submitted TSP-3 Designation of Beneficiary Form as submitted is still current with your wishes.

The bulletin provides an overview of all the TSP obsolete forms along with the new form or process. You will now access your TSP My Account to access and submit your information.

“If a participant submits an obsolete form, they will not hear back from us, and we are unable to process their transaction….new TSP forms are no longer generic and are now barcoded for individual participants,” according to the bulletin.

The attached chart is from the bulletin.

Obsolete FormNew Form/Process*
TSP-3: Designation of BeneficiaryHandled via My Account
TSP-9: Change of Address for Separated ParticipantHandled via My Account
TSP-13-S-C: Spouse’s Election of Payment Method for Court-Ordered PaymentHandled via My Account
TSP-15: Change in Name for Separated ParticipantsHandled via My Account
TSP-16: Exception to Spousal RequirementsTSP-16 Spousal Consent Exception (available on My Account)
TSP-U-16: Exception to Spousal RequirementsTSP-16 Spousal Consent Exception (available on My Account)
TSP-17: Information Relating to Deceased ParticipantTSP-17 Unidentified Beneficiary Affidavit (sent directly to participant’s address on file, as needed)
TSP-20: Loan ApplicationHandled via My Account
TSP-21-G: Loan Agreement (General)Handled via My Account
TSP-21-R: Loan Agreement (Residential)Handled via My Account
TSP-21-R-CL: Residential Loan ChecklistHandled via My Account
TSP-25: Automatic Enrollment Refund RequestHandled via My Account**
TSP-26: Loan Payment CouponTSP-26 Loan Coupons (available on My Account)
TSP-44: Request for Return of Excess Employee Contributions to ParticipantTSP-44 402(g) Refund Request Form (available on My Account)
TSP-60: Request for a Transfer into the TSPHandled via My Account**
TSP-60 R: Request for A Roth Transfer into the TSPHandled via My Account**
TSP-65: Request to Combine Civilian and Uniformed Services TSP AccountsTSP-65 Request to Combine Accounts (available on My Account)
TSP-75: Age-Based In-Service 59 ½ Withdrawal RequestHandled via My Account**
TSP-76: Financial Hardship In-Service Withdrawal RequestHandled via My Account
TSP-81: Death Benefit Election for a Non-Spouse BeneficiaryHandled via My Account
TSP-82: Fraud ComplaintTSP-82 Fraud Complaint Form (mailed to participant after potential unauthorized activity is detected or alleged)
TSP-91: Change of Address for a Retirement Benefits Court Order PayeeHandled via My Account
TSP-92: Retirement Benefits Court Order PackageRBCO Model Language package (visit the Retirement Benefits Court Order page on for more information)
TSP-92B: Retirement Benefits Specialist Authorization FormHandled via My Account
TSP-94: Request to Restore Abandoned AccountsTSP-94 Request to Restore Abandoned Accounts (available on My Account)
TSP-95: Changes to Installment PaymentsHandled via My Account
TSP-99: Withdrawal Request for Separated and Beneficiary ParticipantsHandled via My Account**

*New Forms/Process Key:

  • Handled via My Account – form is not directly accessible online; process should be started via My Account
  • Available on My Account – form can be accessed directly online via My Account

** TSP-25, TSP-60 R, TSP-75, and TSP-99 forms are obsolete; they are only available for limited participants under extenuating circumstances via ThriftLine

About the Author

Francis Xavier (FX) Bergmeister retired from the USMC and the F.B.I. Consider following him on LinkedIn as he shares articles from others about retirement and other financial topics. He also provides retirement seminars thru Federal Career Experts.