Dealing with FLRA’s CADRO: Keep Your Hand on Your Wallet!
The FLRA recently announced the reestablishment of CADRO. The author advises proceeding carefully when dealing with this office.
The FLRA recently announced the reestablishment of CADRO. The author advises proceeding carefully when dealing with this office.
Can interest based bargaining ultimately be successful in the federal sector?
The author says the Biden administration appears to be reverting to past labor relations practices. Will it work better this time?
What impact is the Biden administration likely to have on federal labor relations?
A Circuit Court has overturned a District Court’s decision to declare invalid major portions of several Executive Orders impacting labor relations.
OPM has asked FLRA to issue guidance on precedent for revoking federal employees’ union dues assignments. Interested persons can comment on the situation.
The author says that unions have recently resorted to stonewalling collective bargaining proposals they don’t like rather than negotiating.
The author describes a potential conflict of interest between two labor unions.
The author says a recent House Committee hearing on the FLRA served to attack the agency’s chairman and showed the Congressmen’s lack of knowledge about the law.
A new FSIP decision suggests that past assumptions will no longer drive the Panel’s decision making.