Bob Gilson

Author: Bob Gilson

Bob Gilson is a consultant with a specialty in working with and training Federal agencies to resolve employee problems at all levels. A retired agency labor and employee relations director, Bob has authored or co-authored a number of books dealing with Federal issues and also conducts training seminars.

Chilling the Rancor: Suggestions for Federal Union Officials Likely to Produce Positive Results in Labor Relations

The author offers some suggestions to Federal union officials in developing productive relationships with Agency officials. Having served as a representative of both employees and management in his career, the author discusses barriers he has seen created by attitudes that appear widespread in the Federal union community.

Employee Free Choice Act: Candidate Obama’s Achilles Heel?

A drastic decline in union members in the private sector and a dramatically pro-union, anti-business House bill endorsed by Senator Obama may mean that labor relations takes a front seat along with the Iraq War and the economy in the upcoming election. On this issue, the candidates are diametrically opposed. Will backing a strong pro-union law affect a candidate whose slogan is “organize for change” positively or negatively when so many consider unions a vestige of antiquated thinking? You decide.

Organizing Bargaining: Practical and Useful Tools to Help Make the Process More Manageable

Bargaining a contract is a lot to get your arms around. The Author offers these tools to make preparation, tracking and figuring out the status of a negotiation simpler. Warning! This article is written for folks who have bargained without structure and wished they had some tools to work with. If you’re a seat of the pants bargainer, shame on you, and this is not for you.