FDIC Attorney Pleads Guilty to Defrauding a Bank
An attorney with the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation was caught playing fast and loose with the facts in order to convince a bank to approve a short sale on her house.
An attorney with the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation was caught playing fast and loose with the facts in order to convince a bank to approve a short sale on her house.
With all the hoopla and controversy about holding Federal employees accountable, a simple straight forward process exists to terminate Federal employees for a number of legitimate reasons within an Agency’s control. The author will provide a brief description of the process and suggest how Agencies that aren’t using it now can take advantage of the option.
In an important case to Agency managers, the Federal Circuit directed the MSPB to uphold the removal of a Park Service Manager who refused a directed reassignment. The Board reversed the Agency, the Administrative Judge who heard the case and its own precedent. The Court found that MSPB violated the law in its decision by failing to follow a clear Federal Circuit precedent.
A recent decision on an indefinite suspension and revoking an employee’s security clearance highlights a conflict between two courts.
In the Department of Veterans Affairs, the Secretary reportedly asked for a list of which managers and executives should be fired. This is a first event in the federal sector. The author raises questions about issues this creates for the agency.
What is going on with the Federal Aviation Administration labor relations program? A recent resignation brings the situation into the public eye.
The Collaboration and Alternative Dispute Resolution (CADR) program is run by the FLRA to reduce disputes and litigation. Here are suggestions for working successfully with this program as a labor relations practitioner.
The Wall Street Journal recently published an opinion piece linking a Federal Labor Relations Authority (FLRA) decision to the massive data breach that recently occurred at OPM which jeopardized the personal data of millions of current and former federal employees. The author analyzes this case and how it relates to the data breach.
A D.C. Circuit Court lambasted OPM for asking for a three judge panel to review a single judge’s ruling without having a solid case.
The Department of Labor’s Office of Labor Management Standards (OLMS) since 2011 has conducted nineteen investigations of the American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE) internal elections finding misconduct. The author notes that if you count up the bad elections by union, AFGE has more than any other public or private sector labor organization over the past five years.