Howard Risher

Author: Howard Risher

Howard Risher is a private consultant who focuses on pay and performance. His career extends over 40 years and includes years managing consulting practices for two national firms. He recently became the editor of the journal Compensation and Benefits Review. He has written four books, including Aligning Pay and Results. He has an MBA and Ph.D from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. Users Provide Suggestions for Improving the Federal Work Experience recently asked our users for their suggestions on ways to improve the federal work experience. The responses covered a number of areas respondents felt needed improvement, such as agency leadership or dealing with problem employees. The author takes a closer look at the feedback received and gives his analysis as to what it means for the federal workforce.

Pay Fairness: Views From the Federal Workforce

Columns on federal pay always prompt strongly stated comments that confirm the General Schedule system is broken. Two recent articles by author Howard Risher are no exception. Risher says that employee stories of personal experience should be read by every leader concerned about government and about achieving agency goals. He highlights some of the most telling comments from users on his recent articles on federal pay.