What are the ‘House Rules’ for Paying Off a Home Prior to Federal Retirement?
I am a FERS employee that has reached my Minimum Retirement Age. Is it wise to pay off our mortgage before I retire?
I am a FERS employee that has reached my Minimum Retirement Age. Is it wise to pay off our mortgage before I retire?
I am planning to retire from federal service soon and will being collecting Social Security as well as my federal pension. I also plan to work part time. Will the income from working penalize my Social Security income?
The recent volatility in the stock market has many federal employees worried about their Thrift Savings Plan investments and future retirement. The author says that some federal employees may unintentionally be paralyzing their own retirement plans through “analysis paralysis.” He explains what this means and how to avoid it.
I am 61 and have heard that I can take my money out of the TSP and place it into an IRA. I have been trying to manage my TSP the best that I can, but, my TSP has lost 20% this past year. Should I place my TSP into an IRA so I can still retire when I want?
I keep trying to time the market with my TSP investments, only to end up buying high and selling low. How should I allocate my money into selected funds with the idea of leaving it there to ride out the highs and lows?
The author says that federal employees are frequently sheltered from financial and retirement information in their careers. He says federal workers need to be permitted to have self-reliance in their understanding of at least basic retirement concepts to avoid making mistakes that can harm their future financial goals.
What are the attributes of a qualified financial advisor, and where can I find one?
My wife and I have looked throughout our home town and can’t find even one financial advisor that specializes in working with federal employees. At the same time, I’m uncomfortable working with an advisor in another area of the country. What should we do?
In the third article in his series on federal retirement, FedSmith.com author Randy Silvey addresses one of the most common questions he has received from FedSmith.com users: “Should I roll my TSP over to an IRA after leaving federal service?”
I work with an advisor with whom I feel pretty comfortable but wonder if there is any critical info he might be missing because he rarely deals with federal employees. Is there something in particular I can ask him to check into, to make sure?