Randy Silvey

Author: Randy Silvey

Randy Silvey is the published author of You FIRST, Federal Employees Retirement Guide, one of the bestselling books of its kind on Amazon and Kindle. For over 18 years, he’s been educating and guiding Feds in pursuing wealthier retirement lifestyles. Randy can be reached at 816-524-1515 or visit his website at www.silverlightfinancial.com. Securities offered through Infinity Financial Services. Member FINRA/SIPC.

Federal Retirement Lone Rangers: Do They Need a Fiduciary Tonto?

The author notes that despite his handle, the original Lone Ranger didn’t actually ride alone. He had the assistance of Tonto, his trusted companion. Federal employees considering planning their retirements alone can learn from this analogy: they can often fare better with the assistance of a trusted guide to help them. The author provides suggestions on what to look for in a federally focused financial planner.

The Brexit Effect and Your TSP

Brexit Direction Sign with sky as a background

I am at most four years away from retirement and am worried about another stock market decline along the lines of 2008 in light of events such as Brexit and the upcoming elections. Should I stick with a more moderate/aggressive investment approach in my TSP or move into something less risky?