Questions About Using Federal Employees to Analyze John Kerry’s Tax Proposals
Allegations that the Treasury Dept. used federal employees inappropriately to attack the Kerry tax proposal have been made public.
Current news and events impacting the federal workforce, both current federal employees and federal retirees.
Allegations that the Treasury Dept. used federal employees inappropriately to attack the Kerry tax proposal have been made public.
The Supreme Court ruled that the Freedom of Information Act does not compel releasing photographs of death scene photos of Vince Foster.
The Federal Circuit concludes in a case involving a Navy employee that absolute performance standards may be a valid basis for a performance standard.
TSP considers adding life cycle funds to investment options for TSP investors
Women and men who work for the federal government and are overweight are not paid less according to readers.
GAO says that the GPRA has established a good foundation of results-oriented performance planning.
TSP investors calling with questions or requests to handle TSP related actions will now have more than one center handling their calls.
President issues executive order on 2004 pay raise
Readers say “no” to legalizing same-sex marriage
TSP stock funds continued moving up in February.