TSP Stock Funds Up (Again); Feds Have Lowest Cost Ratio Available Anywhere
The federal TSP program is one of the best investment deals available to any investor anywhere. And return rates for January are up across the board in stock funds.
Current news and events impacting the federal workforce, both current federal employees and federal retirees.
The federal TSP program is one of the best investment deals available to any investor anywhere. And return rates for January are up across the board in stock funds.
Senior AID officials, including the IG, flew business class at taxpayer expense when not allowed by agency regulations.
Some agencies are going to see an increase in their budgets but most are likely to see cuts as the impact of the huge federal budget deficit is felt.
The Federal Employees Health Benefits program is getting a lot of attention from politicians. It may have an impact on federal employees.
There are a lot of reasons not to like the omnibus spending bill. Here are a few of the reasons it may not pass quickly.
Unions have different interests and these differences are reflected in the campaign to win the Democratic nomination.
Some air traffic controllers say errors are increasing at O’Hare airport as air traffic increases there.
FedSmith.com readers select Wesley Clark over Howard Dean in stating a preference for Democratic nominee
These are the top 10 original articles from the FedSmith.com site for 2003.
The depiction of a state’s image on new quarters is leading to disputes among the states.