Automatic TSP Enrollment Begins
The automatic enrollment provisions of the Thrift Savings Plan begin with the first full pay period in August. Here is how this new provision will work.
Federal employee pay news: If it impacts pay and benefits for federal employees, you’ll find it here. Stay informed about important topics such as annual federal pay raises, the GS pay scale, and Thrift Savings Plan (TSP) including the latest TSP performance updates. You will also find articles about the Federal Employees Health Benefits (FEHB) program, Federal Employees Group Life Insurance (FEGLI), and Federal Employees Dental and Vision Insurance Program (FEDVIP), or event legislation in Congress that could impact federal employees’ pay and benefits.
The automatic enrollment provisions of the Thrift Savings Plan begin with the first full pay period in August. Here is how this new provision will work.
A split income strategy is built by diversifying your assets over time. This can be done with your TSP.
Do employees in your agency have an average salary as high as other agencies? There is a wide range of “average” salaries between large and small agencies. See how you compare to these averages and which cabinet level agencies have the highest and lowest average salary and which agency comes out first among all agencies as having the highest average salary.
The stock market is off to its worst start since the first half of 2002 as all of the stock funds in the Thrift Savings Plan dropped in June.
Investing for your future retirement can be daunting. Congress is taking an interest in the performance of target date funds which are similar to the TSP’s lifecycle funds. Here is why and how your TSP compares to the rest of the industry.
Despite numerous examples of failed implementation, pay-for-performance for the Federal sector continues to build momentum.
As the federal budget deficit soars to new heights, political pressure is building during this election year to cut back on spending. Where will the cuts be made–if they are made at all? A new proposal would freeze federal employees salaries in 2011.
Changes to the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program (FEHB) as a result of the new health care legislation are emerging—sometimes with a few minor slip-ups.
Will your adult children be covered under your federal health insurance until they are 26 years old? It is a simple question but the answer is as complex as “yes”, “no”, and “maybe”.
Changes are occurring in the federal employee health insurance program, including changes to the federal dental and vision insurance program. Here are a couple that will impact a number of readers.