OPM Implementing 2007 Federal Pay Raise
OPM is implementing the 2007 pay raise but no one really knows what the final figures will be.
Federal employee pay news: If it impacts pay and benefits for federal employees, you’ll find it here. Stay informed about important topics such as annual federal pay raises, the GS pay scale, and Thrift Savings Plan (TSP) including the latest TSP performance updates. You will also find articles about the Federal Employees Health Benefits (FEHB) program, Federal Employees Group Life Insurance (FEGLI), and Federal Employees Dental and Vision Insurance Program (FEDVIP), or event legislation in Congress that could impact federal employees’ pay and benefits.
OPM is implementing the 2007 pay raise but no one really knows what the final figures will be.
The possibility of a 2.7% average raise for federal employees took a decidedly negative turn this week with the announcement that Congress will, in effect, keep the continuing resolution in effect for the remainder of the fiscal year.
The process of determining the 2007 pay raise amount is moving along slowly. But, while the process is moving, there is no final answer on the question of how much employees will be getting in their paychecks next year.
A change in the National Defense Authorization Act will allow some federal employees to make up to $212,000 a year. To get the higher salary, you will have to move.
Statistics about the average compensation for federal employees has left some readers perplexed, some outraged and some with more questions. Here is additional information (and a couple of cartoons) that may satisfy the intellectual quest for more information.
Average federal salaries are higher than the median federal salary level. How much does the average federal retiree get each month? Here is the information to satisfy your curiosity.
OPM has released the COLA payment information for federal employees outside the lower 48 states.
How does your pay and benefits package compare to the private sector? New statistics compiled by a researcher at the Cato Institute is based on data from the Bureau of Economic Analysis and shows that the average federal employee makes exactly double that of the average private sector employee.
Federal employees outside of the contiguous 48 states are paid differently than most FedSmith readers who usually get an annual raise and locality pay. OPM did a survey on housing costs in these areas outside the 48 contiguous states and has published the results.
War, political instability, terrorism and fear for our economic future have an impact on financial markets. Some well-known personalities have said we are in a new world war. What has this done to your TSP stock investments and how can you plan for your future?