Congress, Federal Employees and Ethics
Are Congressional ethics rules effective? Are the ethics rules effective for the federal workforce?
Are Congressional ethics rules effective? Are the ethics rules effective for the federal workforce?
Do you use your government computer to search out “inappropriate material?” If so, your colleagues in the Justice Department would like to find out who you are.
There are time limits for filing an appeal with the MSPB and, generally, missing the time limit leads to dismissal of a case. In this instance, the employee made a vague assertion about recovery from a hurricane. A court ordered the MSPB to investigate further.
What will 2007 bring for pay for federal employees? No one really knows but here is one prediction as the 2007 pay dance begins right on schedule.
A federal employee can get into hot water with a government credit card. This person got into trouble–and lost his job–as a result of his credit card application.
What will happen to your TSP money when you die? Some federal employees fail to tell Uncle Sam what to do with your money. Your failure to act may impact your survivors.
An official of an AFGE local is likely to end up with losing his pay for 60 days and could still end up without a federal job as a result of engaging in political activity at work.
A small majority of readers think Judge Samuel Alito should be confirmed and most think the entire Senate should vote on the nomination.
A federal court came down hard on a Postal Service manager who was fired based on the testimony of another Postal employee.
It is unusual for an attorney to hire his own counsel to defend his actions in representing a client. But, as in this case, it does happen.