HR Bashing, Avoiding Facts and Chief Human Capital Officers: A Study in Political Correctness

The author asks the reader to go with him through Alice’s looking glass for a tour of the world of human resources management in our nation’s capitol. Up is down, down is sideways as Agency chief human capital officers thread their way through the minefield of identifying what might be amiss in the U.S. civil service.

Obama Executive Order on Labor Management Forums: Deadline Dates and Requirements

Federal Agencies have lots to do in a short time to meet the requirements of the new Executive Order creating labor-management forums. The author’s wife, a retired Federal Human Resources Director, is betting him that Agencies will never meet the deadlines set by the Order for submitting plans. The author looks at requirements Agencies face.

Adverse Action: Question from a Reader

A practitioner asks, what should go into an adverse action letter, more or less? The author provides his take on approaching the development of adverse actions from an advocate’s viewpoint and why it’s critical to remember that the people engaged in the process can be influenced by high quality work.

Revised Labor Relations Executive Order Surfaces with Substantial Changes Dropping (B)(1) Bargaining Requirement

In what may prove to be the most edited document in the Obama Administration, a new version of the proposed executive order is being circulated. The new version has substantial changes from the old version including elimination of the obligation to bargain permissive subjects contained in Clinton Order and previous versions of the Obama plan.