58 Federal Locality Pay Areas: 18.5% to 25.86% in 7 Years
What are salary differences between the 58 locality pay areas? One area increased $15,396 over 7 years while another gained $22,282 for GS12/Step5.
What are salary differences between the 58 locality pay areas? One area increased $15,396 over 7 years while another gained $22,282 for GS12/Step5.
Locality pay now covers most federal employees. How much difference does a locality pay area make in salary levels?
The number of locality pay areas has increased 63% since 2015. How many federal employees are in a locality pay area, and what is the total cost of locality pay?
A historic pay raise and the end of the vaccine mandate are among the top stories for federal employees in 2023.
Which 2024 locality pay areas received the highest pay raises? Which ones received the lowest? How did the new locality pay areas fare? Here are the answers.
The 2024 GS pay scale is based on a 5.2% average federal pay raise. Here are the pay raises for all GS locality pay areas.
The 2024 locality pay areas have been finalized, but it has led to confusion among impacted employees. Here is an explanation.
The locality pay areas for 2024 have been announced. About 33,000 federal employees will be added to the locality pay system. Here is a complete list of these areas.
The President’s Pay Agent report for 2024 GS locality pay has been released. These are the changes federal employees can expect in 2024.
Senator Joni Ernst wants to know how many federal employees are using telework to get paid at a higher locality rate even though they work in a cheaper area.