Pay Parity and Your 2013 Pay Raise
The debate over a pay raise for federal employees in 2013 is well underway. Pay parity with the military is a tactic proponents will often use to vie for a larger pay increase for federal employees.
Federal employees under the General Schedule (GS) get an annual pay raise most years. Articles in this section are an important resource for federal employees to stay informed about their pay and any potential changes that may affect their salaries. These articles emphasize the importance of understanding the factors that contribute to pay adjustments and the broader economic context in which these decisions are made.
The debate over a pay raise for federal employees in 2013 is well underway. Pay parity with the military is a tactic proponents will often use to vie for a larger pay increase for federal employees.
Will you get a COLA as a federal retiree in 2011? Will federal employees get a pay raise in 2011? How much will your health insurance premium go up in 2011?
How much of a pay raise will federal employees receive in 2011? The debate is already beginning with the submission of a 1.4% suggested pay raise for the military in 2011. It is unlikely that the civilian pay raise will exceed any raise for the military so the starting point in negotiations for next year is 1.4%.
Why will the 2010 pay raise for some readers be less than 2%? Which geographic area will receive the biggest pay raise in 2010?
President Obama has quietly sent out a letter to the House and Senate noting that for the federal workforce “an across-the board increase of 2.0 percent shall go into effect on the first day of the first applicable pay period beginning on or after January 1, 2010.”
What will your 2010 pay rate be in actual dollars and cents? That depends in large part on the final action by Congress and the President.
Will the 2010 average federal pay raise be 2%, 2.9% or 3.4%? All three figures are being used in Congress by different committees. Here is an update on the status of the 2010 pay increase.
A considerably higher pay raise has been authorized for the military which may bump up the 2010 pay raise for federal employees.
Congress says it approves the idea of pay parity between federal employees and military personnel but doesn’t indicate how much should be approved for a possible pay raise in 2010. Will federal employees be asked to take a lower raise in the midst of rising unemployment and low inflation? Also, federal retirees are on track to go without a COLA increase.
How much will your pay raise be in 2010? President Obama has proposed 2% for civilians to bring federal pay and benefit practices “more in line with the private sector.”