Lawmakers Want to Give Federal Employees a 3.8% Pay Raise Next Year
Two lawmakers are introducing legislation that would give federal employees a 3.8% pay raise in 2016.
Two lawmakers are introducing legislation that would give federal employees a 3.8% pay raise in 2016.
Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA) has reintroduced legislation this week that would repeal Obamacare and open the Federal Employee Health Benefits program up to all Americans.
Senator David Vitter (R-LA) has introduced several pieces of legislation as the new Congress convened this week that would tackle issues such as Congressional term limits and forcing lawmakers to use Obamacare.
As the new Congress convened this week, one Congressman made his traditional introduction of legislation that would abolish the IRS in lieu of a national consumption tax.
In its first session in 2015, the House acted quickly to pass a legislation designed to assist veterans in getting jobs as well as chip away at certain parts of Obamacare.
Congress recently passed the Smart Savings Act to change the default allocations in the TSP for newly hired federal employees.
Legislation that would change the default TSP allocations for newly hired federal employees has passed Congress and is on its way to the president’s desk for signature.
Lawmakers in both the House and the Senate have introduced legislation to end Social Security benefits for Nazi persecutors who receive them because of a loophole in current law.
The House of Representatives has passed legislation that would require the EPA to base its regulations on data that are publicly available.
Bernie Sanders (I-VT) has a solution for low voter turnout: make election day a national holiday.