Full Enforcement of Federal Employee Vaccine Mandate Delayed Until Next Year
Federal agencies are being asked to delay enforcement of the federal employee vaccine mandate until after January 1.
Federal agencies are being asked to delay enforcement of the federal employee vaccine mandate until after January 1.
New data from the White House show how well federal employees and their agencies have complied with the vaccine mandate so far.
President Biden is nominating two people for positions at the FLRA – one is for General Counsel and one is for becoming a Member of the FLRA.
President Biden has announced rigorous new COVID safety protocols for all federal employees.
President Biden has proposed a 2.7% pay raise for federal employees in 2022.
When are federal employees likely to learn more about the possibility of a 2022 pay raise? Soon, very soon.
Federal employees who are anxious to find out what the White House wants to give them for a pay raise next year will have to wait a while longer.
The Office of Special Counsel says President Trump can make acceptance speech at the White House, with restrictions.
The White House is taking formal action to stop a planned change to the TSP’s I Fund.
Reports have surfaced that President Trump intends to try to stop the TSP from making a planned change to the I Fund.