The White House has a weekly feature called “Ask the White House.” Each week, an administration official answers questions from the public via the Internet.
This week, Clay Johnson, Deputy Director for Management at OMB was the official answering questions. The first question he was asked: “Competitive sourcing costs people jobs. Why does this administration have it out for government employees?”
His response: “This administration does not have it out for federal employees. In fact, just the opposite. We have what many describe as a human capital crisis, where many valuable employees are eligible for retirement in the next few years. We are developing programs to more effectively train, develop and retain good workers.”
The competitive sourcing initiative is about doing the right thing for the taxpayer. Employee groups “win” a majority of the time. And the experience to date is that very few employees have been separated involuntarily because of competitive sourcing activities.
The transcript is available on the White House website.