On April 18, the Office of Personnel Management and the Department of Defense will begin a 30-day “meet and confer” process with unions to discuss the issues of concern regarding the proposed National Security Personnel System.
According to Dan Blair, OPM’s acting director, the sessions are designed to address questions that have been raised by unions regarding the proposed regulations. Two meetings have been held with unions in advance of the meet and confer process to determine meeting schedules and ensure adequate access to documents.
Blair testified Thursday morning before the Senate Armed Service Committee on the status of the NSPS.
In opening remarks Blair stated, “Congress set in motion a process to establish a new human resources system befitting the Defense Department’s vital mission, while ensuring the preservation of the core principles of due process, merit and fairness that make the American civil service unique. The legislation forged a partnership between DoD and OPM which, we believe, has enabled us to produce a system that is flexible, modern, and responsive.”
NSPS is being developed for the 600,000 Federal civilian employees who work for the Department of Defense in the U.S. and across the world.
“The proposed changes at the DoD will benefit the hard working men and women of the Department. The classification system and pay structure has been simplified to enhance career growth and provide higher earnings potential for qualified, talented and motivated employees. The performance system will better serve the security of our Nation because it better links individual performance and the department’s mission, goals and objectives. I see the NSPS as an important step in modernizing the civil service.”