As Agencies head back to the bargaining table as a result of the effect of the union-friendly Obama era, perhaps it’s time to upgrade your arbitration article. I’ll bet the arbitration article language hasn’t changed for many since the time of E.O. 10988.
- It requires the union to authorize a representative to invoke arbitration, if other than the president invokes.
- It requires proof of service for an invocation.
- It requires invocation within 15 days of the last step decision of the grievance procedure and if ya snooze, ya lose.
- It details the procedure for requesting an arbitrator list from FMCS.
- It lays out a procedure for contacting the arbitrator and requires automatic provision of the labor agreement.
- It sets forth how the issue will be framed and what happens if the parties don’t agree on the issue.
- It requires parties to provide witness lists and a statement of the relevance of each.
- It sets out a process for dealing with settlements and withdrawals of the agreement and who can do what.
- It addresses how many representatives the union may have on the clock for the proceeding and how the Agency may contact the union rep if not an employee.
- It requires an independent hearing on grievability and arbitrability and makes the loser pay.
- It puts the cost of cancellation or postponement on the party responsible.
- Everybody pays their own costs including transcripts.
- It requires an arbitrator to:
- Recognize that he or she is serving within the context of Federal law and applicable regulation involving Federal government employees.
- Consider FLRA, MSPB and the Courts in deciding both the ruling and the remedy.
- Agree to be bound by the Code of Professional Responsibility for Arbitrators and Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service (FMCS) Arbitration Policies and Procedures.
- Stick to the contract terms and not add anything new.
- Not consider anything unrelated to the grievance.
- Follow specific articulated standards of proof such as just cause, efficiency of the service and the performance case requirements.
- Follow MSPB and Federal Circuit precedents in adverse actions.
- Enforce a reasonable Agency request for information in the possession of the union or one of its witnesses ahead of the hearing.
- Engage in mediation if both parties agree.
- About the hearing itself, the proposed article requires:
- A closed hearing unless the parties agree otherwise.
- The hearing be held no more than 90 days from arbitrator selection.
- The hearing be held at an Agency facility.
- Stipulation of facts and evidence be agreed by the parties.
- If there’s a record, the party requesting it pays but must give a copy for half the cost of its preparation.
- The arbitrator to follow some common sense rules of procedure.
- Bargaining history cannot be used unless the party intending use notifies the other.
- A ban on ex parte communication.
- Submission of a post-hearing brief.
- Concerning the arbitrator’s award, the proposal requires:
- Limits of jurisdiction and authority to the contract and the record.
- Applicable law and regulation govern the arbitrator.
- Any assessment of expenses must be in accord with the law or the contract.
- An arbitrator awarding back pay must demonstrate the awards consistency with the Back Pay Act.
- Fair limits on attorney fee requests by the hour and overall.
- The award issue within 30 days of the closing of the hearing or after the filing of briefs whichever is later.
- The award is final and binding unless appealed in accordance with Federal statute.
- The proposal sets forth an expedited procedure, which is:
- Mutually agreed on.
- The hearing takes place within 30 days of arbitrator selection.
- No hearing transcript will be allowed
- No post hearing briefs will be permitted.
- The Arbitrator may render his or her award orally at the hearing.
- If so, the grieving party shall be required to tape record and transcribe the award and provide a copy of the tape and transcription to the other party.
- If a written award, it must be made within10 days of the hearing.
- Generally a 1 day hearing.
- The Arbitrator may limit the presentation of evidence or witnesses.
- The Arbitrator’s fee shall be borne equally by both parties.