Amendment to Restrict Funding For Federal Employee Salary Increases

Several readers have asked to see a copy of the amendment to H.R. 1 that would block funding for any salary increases for federal employees for the remainder of the current fiscal year. Here is a copy of this amendment to H.R. 1.

Several readers have asked to see a copy of the amendment to H.R. 1 that would block funding for any salary increases for federal employees for the remainder of the current fiscal year.We will not offer an interpretation of this amendment at this time regarding the various situations in which this amendment would block future pay increases. In the event that the amendment should appear at a later date to have a significant chance of passage, we will provide more information as it becomes available.

In the meantime, the obvious purpose is to restrict the funding of pay raises for federal employees and, when read in conjunction with the amendment offered by Congressman Issa to the same funding bill, the effect would be to block many of the pay raises and within-grade increases that readers may be anticipating in the current fiscal year. (For more information, see Another (More Substantive) Pay Freeze for Federal Employees In the Congressional Pipeline?)

Here is the amendment offered to H.R. 1 by Congressman Todd Rokita (R-IN) to freeze funding for any salary or basic pay increase for the federal workforce:

Offered By: Mr. Rokita

Amendment No. 210: At the end of the bill (before the short
title), insert the following:
Sec. __. None of the funds made available by this Act may
be used to implement any increase in the rate of salary or
basic pay for any office or position within the Federal

About the Author

Ralph Smith has several decades of experience working with federal human resources issues. He has written extensively on a full range of human resources topics in books and newsletters and is a co-founder of two companies and several newsletters on federal human resources. Follow Ralph on Twitter: @RalphSmith47