The Best (and Worst) Agencies to Launch a Career as a Federal Employee

What are the best agencies in which to launch a career as a federal employee? This report provides a listing of the best and worst agencies and their overall employee satisfaction ratings.

How do employees starting their careers in government feel about the agencies they serve, and how well are those agencies managing their employees?

The Partnership for Public Service in conjunction with professional services firm Deloitte have provided answers to these questions in their Best Places to Work in the Federal Government analysis.

With the projected large number of federal workers set to retire beginning at the end of 2011 (OMB estimates as many as 60,000 are set to retire), recruiting and retaining skilled employees has been a key focus of the government.

The study found that a majority of new federal employees under the age of 30 report high levels of overall satisfaction with respect to their specific jobs and agencies. The top five agencies in terms of overall satisfaction scores (out of 100) were:

  1. Department of Veterans Affairs (90.3)
  2. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (88.8)
  3. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (87.5)
  4. General Services Administration (84.1)
  5. Social Security Administration (83.6)

The Department of Housing and Urban Development had the lowest recorded satisfaction score of 47.6.

You can read the full report for more information.

What has been your experience working for the federal government? Were you generally satisified with the agency/agencies for which you worked? Share your thoughts in the comments.

About the Author

Ian Smith is one of the co-founders of He has over 20 years of combined experience in media and government services, having worked at two government contracting firms and an online news and web development company prior to his current role at FedSmith.